Energetic Sales+Marketing team is looking for a strong Business Development Manager with solid technical background.

Here are our expectations:
  • Fluent spoken English. Written English with no mistakes.
  • Thorough understanding of web app development methodology, knowledge of web app internals - what they consist of, what happens in the back end and the front end.
  • Thorough understanding of software development lifecycle.
  • Ability to form a vision for a project based on client's description, and ability to present this vision to the client step by step.
  • Have a good idea on how much a typical project should cost.
  • Our ideal candidate has past experience as a Technical Project Manager or a Developer.
We offer:
  • Maximum flexibility;
  • Professional trainings, conferences and certifications;
  • Corporate events and benefits;
  • Professional literature;
  • English courses.
If you are interested, please let us know job@zfort.com

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